My unlock code is not working ?
If you are receiving a Code Error with the supplied Unlock code, please email us at or contact us directly on the live chat with the following information:
- IMEI number(Press *#06#, please do this again to verify the one supplied by you was correct)
- Network the phone is currently locked to(Not the network you wish to use it on)
- Phone Model
- The Error Message(You received when trying to input the code)
- The Message that appears on your phone (Before you enter the code)
The IMEI shown on the device may not be the actual IMEI of the phone.
Each phone has an IMEI, each IMEI has an unlock code that is based on a combination of the maker, model, carrier, and edition. Some special boxes are being used to modify a device's IMEI. It's mostly seen on blacklisted devices. People are changing the IMEI of the device to be able to use it while being blacklisted. Unfortunately, when this device is sold to someone else who wants to get it unlocked, the code given will not work since the code provided is for the wrong IMEI.  Unfortunately when someone changes the IMEI, it is most of the time impossible to know the original IMEI of the device.
The phone may not be using original factory installed software.
Sometimes people will “hack” their phone in order to add free versions of paid apps or customize things that the manufacturer would not authorize/support, or even to unlock the phone temporarily.  This may have been done by someone other than you. Reinstalling with the original software of the phone sometimes can make your unlock code work.